June 28, 2016

The involvement of stakeholders plays an important role in a reputed organization, because it shows how it retains the corporate stakeholders when sharing ideas for the benefit of both sides, and in the other hand the implementation of Quality Management System and its positive impact on organization (schools specifically).

Chapter II: Quality Management System and Parents Determinants of School Choice

2.1 School Stakeholders and their Roles

2.1.1 School Top Management
2.1.2 School Administrative Staff
2.1.3 School Educational Staff
2.1.4 School Parents
2.1.5 School Students
2.1.6 School Suppliers

2.2 Parents Determinants of School Choice

2.2.1 How and why Parents choose the desired school?
2.2.2 Involvement of parents in school decision
2.2.3 Relation between parents and school
2.2.4 School culture internal and external environment of parents’ choice
2.2.5 School and its resistance to change
2.2.6 Private/Public schools Provision and Control (School considered as NPO organization, school ownership, School finance…)

2.3 The positive impact of implementing Quality Management System

2.3.1 Management Commitment
2.3.2 Why QMS for schools?
2.3.3 School Continual Improvement
2.3.4 Parents Satisfaction with schools implementing QMS