
June 28, 2016

Transparency is a procedure of power and it’s indispensable in business success. The most reputed firm is who optimize the needs of its stakeholders, It carries power to all over the organization transparency which leads to a better quality management, better performance ,and will affect reputation and corporate personality.

Studier asserts that organizations with cultures of openness and free-flowing information fare better in difficult economies. That’s because (among other benefits) transparency helps employees stay connected to financial big picture, reduces complacency, sparks creative solutions, creates organizational consistency and stability, and leads to faster, more efficient execution.

Transparency is about sharing all the information the receiver wants or needs, and not just the information that the sender is willing to share. It is about putting all facts on the table, even when some of them are uncomfortable. It is about being honest and open about what actions are taken, by whom and on what grounds. It is about removing any barriers that hinder people from accessing the information they could need to be better at their jobs. It is about making people and their skills, knowledge and ideas visible and accessible to all their colleagues.

Here’s how you can create a more transparent organization:

  1. First, make sure senior leadership is aligned.
  2. Close the perception gap between senior leadership and middle managers.
  3. Help people understand the true financial impact of decisions.
  4. Put mechanisms in place for communicating vital issues to frontline employees.
  5. Prepare managers to answer tough questions.
  6. When you have bad news, treat employees like adults.
  7. Keep people posted.