
June 29, 2016

These surveys rely on a private catholic school that I’m working on. A questionnaire is distributed to parents, to teachers who teach in our school and in parallel in other public and private schools, and to administrators. Questions are done for open answers and then all answers are analyzed to obtain the stakeholders point of view.  Parents’ Questionnaire:

  1. Why did you register your child in the “R” School? (Discipline, curriculum, religious, etc…)
  2. Are you a parent’s committee member (do you participate in all meetings? Do you give suggestions? Are they taken into consideration?
  3. Whenever there is a problem confronting your children does “R” School management listen to you?
  4. What are your suggestions to improve the “R” School performance?
  5. Do you recommend it to someone else?
  6. Did u receive any statistic sheet to obtain your feedback about the school performance?  Teachers and Coordinators’ Questionnaire

  1. What is the degree attended?
  2. Do you work for more than one school?
  3. What is the number of years of experience in teaching, coordinating?
  4. Is there any performance appraisals?
  5.  Is there any continuous training attended?
  6. Do you participate in decision making?
  7. Are you aware of the minister of education policies?
  8. Do you communicate with parents, teachers and colleagues?
  9. Do you use new technologies?
  10.  Do you have any benchmarking in terms of progress and results with other schools that you are working for?  Administrators’ Questionnaire:

  1. Divide the entourage into several areas, are all students living in the same area or in diverse areas? How do you evaluate it?
  2. What is the actual number of student? How do you analyze the increase or the decrease of such number through the past 5 years?
  3. Do students pay full tuition, half tuition, socially assisted? How do you estimate your growth continuity?
  4. How many parent’s school are ex-students? How do you treat these results?
  5. How many teachers does the school have? How many part timer and full timer does it have?
  6. How do you evaluate the training and development activities and its effectiveness on staff and school performance?
  7. Do you have any strategic plan to improve staff and school performance?
  8. School trainer does it exist? How often?
  9. What is the Level of communication (admin, parents, and students)?