School Parents

June 28, 2016

Parents search for the best of their children, and they can influence the management in a way to be satisfied. They are considered the external challenge of the school. So school should observe well its environment because this is will help her to define her goals and objectives and functions. Certainly there are rules and obligations to follow.

School goals should meet parents’ expectations. When parents pay for school fees they expect to obtain the maximum benefits for their children, and if not, they surely have other choices as to move to another school.

Parents are school clients and the client satisfaction focus is the main objective of the implementation of the Quality management system. Parents satisfied with the school reputation will leave their kids for at least 13 years in the same school till the last class before graduation; noting that parents satisfied are the free marketing tool of the school.

Talking about partnership between schools and parents is because both are responsible of the school objectives and reputation, and both should be committed to obtain qualified final product, competent Student.